they be inferred in an ancestral-states reconstruction?
though this question has been addressed in several ways, the answer
is yes, they can! However, there are a few concepts that need to be
accounted first.
area has been defined as the center of origin of the diversification
of a clade (Bremer, 1992). In other words, it constitutes the
ancestral ranges of distribution of a monophyletic group.
Establishing this area is one of the central questions in historical
biogeography, especially if the objective of a particular study is to
assess the contribution of vicariance and dispersal to the speciation
and distribution of a group of organisms (F Ronquist & Ronquist,
order to achieve such purpose, two problems have to be considered
when doing a biogeographical analysis: Earth history, which seeks to
establish area relationships based on the phylogenies of at least two
taxa inhabiting the areas of interest, thus using areas as taxa, and
taxa as characters; and Taxon history, who aims to infer the
biogeographic patterns and events that shaped the history of taxa
(Hovenkamp, 1997). The main forethought with the latter approach,
is that inferences are restricted to general patterns, and they can
not be assumed arbitrarily.
of Endemism
the first problem of biogeographical analysis, if one is using the
taxon-as-area analogy, it presupposes the existence of discrete
areas, as an example, I will call areas of endemism (Hovenkamp,
1997), who are the first subject of investigation you should
include in your analysis. The term “area of endemism” refers to a
particular pattern of distribution delimited by the distributional
congruence of at least two taxa (Platknick, 1991).
are several methodological proposals to identify these areas, I am
listing two of them, which have different theoretical backgrounds but
as any other quantitative method use the distribution of species as
data: Parsimony Analysis of Endemicity PAE (Morrone, 1994), and
Endemicity Analysis EA (C. a Szumik, Cuezzo, Goloboff, & Chalup,
2002; C. Szumik & Goloboff, 2004). PAE groups hierarchically
groups area units based on their shared species, using the
maximum-parsimony criterion. EA, on the other hand, identifies areas
of endemism by assessing the congruence among species distributions,
following an optimality criterion. The congruence between a species
distribution and a given area is measured by an Endemicity Index EI
ranging from 0 to 1. This proposal is implemented in NDM/VNDM
(Goloboff, 2005), and currently it manages to run analyses for
higher taxa (C. A. Szumik & Goloboff, 2015).
Areas: Concepts and Models
you have established your areas of endemism, you can proceed with the
reconstruction of ancestral areas, treating the areas you obtained as
discrete characters. For this matter, there has been a long
discussion about what definition, approach, and method to use. It
formally started with Hennig (1950), who proposed the chorological
progression rule, which assumes progression in the areas parallel to
the progression in the characters in the cladogram, so that the areas
inhabited by primitive species are deemed to be ancestral, whereas
the areas inhabited by apomorphic species are situated far away from
the center of origin. This rule is based on the assumption that
peripatric speciation model is common in nature. Nonetheless, there
are many exceptions to this rule.
assumed that areas or regions could be treated as binary irreversible
characters we could analyze separately (each area as a character),
optimizing it to a tree, using Camin-Sokal Parsimony to see which
areas were most parsimoniously explained as being part of the
ancestral area. Therefore, the selection criterion was that the areas
that required the fewest independent losses relative to gains on the
cladogram would be the ones most likely to be the central area of the
approach was ratified by Ronquist(1994). Nonetheless (Ronquist,
1995) discussed the notion of areas treated as irreversible
characters, for it would be only valid if dispersal was irreversible
and a region could not be subsequently invaded. Thence, he considered
that allowing dispersal events to occur as unordered, reversible
events would be more realistic. Therefore, he proposed Fitch's
parsimony to optimize characters to trees. These approaches had many
conceptual problems because they search for replicated areas in basal
clades, ignoring homology and using paralogy to weigh areas and
locate centers of origin (Ebach, 1999), thus tend to overestimate
the areas that had less extinction processes, and fail dentifying an
area as ancestral.
Vicariance Analysis DIVA
method was presented by (Fredrik Ronquist, 1997). It uses
optimizations with reversible parsimony for estimating ancestral
areas. DIVA searches ancestral areas using a three-dimensional cost
matrix that gives different costs to events, minimizing the dispersal
events needed for explaining the distributions. Unlike previous
models, it focuses on mapping area distributions onto the phylogeny,
and vicariance events have no cost, whereas dispersals and
extinctions have a cost of one per area unit added to the
distribution. The optimal reconstruction(s) are those requiring the
minimal number of dispersal events. Since this method does not take
dispersion into account, and always assumes that speciation is due to
vicariance, it represents a problem if species have not followed this
sort of event. Due to the aforementioned, it does not model
extinction and range expansions, reason what it has been criticized
(Kodandaramaiah, 2010).
these problems, it has been a powerful approach for inferring
reticulate biogeographic scenarios that include different combination
of events over time, such as the diversification in the Holartic
(Sanmartín, 2001). Two statistical extensions of this model have
been proposed: S-DIVA (Yu, Harris, & He, 2010), that evaluates
the alternative ancestral ranges at each node in a tree accounting
for phylogenetic uncertainty and uncertainty in DIVA optimization
using an statistical framework, and Bayes-DIVA (Nylander, Olsson,
Alström, & Sanmartín, 2008) which uses DIVA to perform
reconstructions at all nodes that occur in a summary topology.
Bayes-DIVA has been implemented in S-DIVA.
Dispersal Extinction Cladogenesis
is a continuous-time model for geographic range evolution that
enables the inference of ancestral ranges in a likelihood framework
(Ree, Moore, Webb, & Donoghue, 2005; Ree & Smith, 2008).
Range contractions and expansions are caused by dispersal to an
unoccupied area and local extinction within an area. Given a
phylogeny, the distribution of the taxa involved, and an explicit
model of Dispersal-extinction and cladogenesis, dispersal and
extinction rates are calculated using maximum likelihood. With this
model, probabilities of range transitions are computed as a function
of time, enabling free parameters in the model, rates of dispersal,
and local extinction to be estimated by maximum likelihood. This
model can be extended by incorporating fossil and geological
information into the rate matrix, which is allowed to vary over time.
Also, dating uncertainty can be accommodated by integrating DEC
reconstructions over a Bayesian Inference posterior sample of dated
cite a few examples: (Smith, 2009)
uncertainty of divergence-time in a parametric biogeographical
analysis of the Northern Hemisphere plant clade
Caprifoliea; (Smedmark, Eriksson, & Bremer, 2010),
explored how uncertainty in estimated divergence times affects
conclusions in biogeographical analysis, using the group Urophylleae,
which has a disjunct pantropical distribution. DEC model has been
implemented in
Although it is considered a merely realistic model, it does not work
efficiently when using more than 7 areas (Fredrik Ronquist &
Sanmartín, 2011).
is a Bayesian approach for inferring biogeographic history that
extends the application of biogeographic models to the analysis of
problems that involve a large number of areas (Landis, Matzke, Moore,
& Huelsenbeck, 2013).
DEC, and BayArea are implemented in the software RASP, which offers a
graphical user interface (GUI) to specify a phylogenetic tree or set
of trees and geographic distribution constraints, draws pie charts on
the nodes of a phylogenetic tree to indicate levels of uncertainty,
and generates exportable graphical results (Yu, Harris, Blair, &
He, 2015).
an R package, authored by Nicholas J. Matzke, that was designed to
perform inference of biogeographic history on phylogenies, and also
model testing, which includes dispersal, vicariance, founder-event
speciation (free parameter j), DEC, DIVA, and BAYAREA, inter alia
(Matzke, 2013). The advantage of using this package is that you
can compare the probabilities of each model, and measure the effects
of the parameters you use for each model. (Matzke NJ, 2014),
encourages to test the founder-event parameter for the speciation of
Island Clades.
Altitudinal and bathymetric data: Could that be an alternative?
the possibility of using other sort of data, such as altitudinal and
bathymetric, there are studies that use these type of data. (Yesson,
Yesson, & Culham, 2007) used distribution data and inferred
climate preferences to determine the potential distribution of
species in the past, present and future, which they called:
Phyloclimatic Modelling (Yesson & Culham, 2011). This proposal
was applied in the study of the biogeography of the garden
plant Cyclamen.
This approach is similar to
that of (Vasconcelos, Rodríguez, & Hawkins, 2011), who
used a cluster analysis of richness, topography and climate to
determine the variable that most affects the distribution pattern of
Amphibians in South America, thus, delimiting a new scheme of
regionalization. (Brumfield & Edwards, 2007), on the
other hand, reconstructed the ancestral area and inferred the
shift from lowlands to highlands based on the elevations at which
each species of Thamnophilus was most commonly
observed in the field. Nonetheless, as exposed by the
authors, the discrete coding scheme they used did
not account for variance in habitat distributions, but found the ‘optimal’ elevation for each.
summary, you can infer the ancestral area of your clade of study via
ancestral-states reconstruction method. Also, you can do the
reconstruction accounting for altitudinal or bathymetryc data if you
discretize the ranges to use. What you can do is first, searching
dated phylogenies or date them in case you do not feel positively
sure about them. Then, get the distributional data of the species.
Once you have done this, establish the biogeographic areas(preferably
areas of endemism), or ecoregions in which you will test your
hypothesis(es). Use these areas to discretize the distribution of
your taxa, and make sure these areas do not overlap. Run an
evaluation of patterns and events (vicariance, dispersion,
extinction), and with your results, you can infer the ancestral
area(s). I personally prefer using DEC model, for it accounts on
probabilities of different events. Yet, the main problem would be if
you need to include a large number of areas into your analysis.
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